July 2023 Edition

In the July issue you’ll find: Steve Ott’s top tips for growing turnips; the wonderful world of wasps with Garden Organic’s Anton Rosenfeld; and Hannah Reid explains how certain weeds can be put to use for the good of your crops.

Also in the July issue

Jason the cloud gardener

High in an apartment block in the centre of Manchester is a most unusual garden which has taken its creator to inspirational heights.

A question of balance

Ecologist Becky Searle explains how everything on our plot is connected to its surroundings and how we can use this to our advantage

Budget gardening

This month frugal gardener Stephanie Hafferty looks at options for recycled containers and shows you how to make a hoverfly lagoon

Grow your own summer salads

Rob Smith takes a look at some key ingredients for a summer salad and recommends some of his favourite varieties

And there’s still lots more for you to read, grow and do! The only place to find out more is in the June issue which is available to order now.

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