Garden Re-Leaf Day

Garden Re-Leaf Day

Greenfingers Charity has designated Friday, March 18 March as Garden Re-Leaf day.

On that day and during the weekend that follows garden centres and garden retailers around the country will be showing off the best of their plants and gardening aids to raise money for Greenfingers Charity that builds recreational and therapy gardens in the grounds of children’s hospices around the country.

Many garden centre chains have decided to hold a 24-hour Plant-athon in which customers and staff will take turns to continuously plant a range of their best shrubs, herbaceous and flowering plants throughout a complete day. Some of the top garden centres in the country are taking part in this Plant-athon challenge including the Blue Diamond Group with 17 top-quality outlets in the UK and Channel Islands, Alton Garden Centre, Klondyke GC, Hillview GC, Squire’s GC and Millbrook GC. You are encouraged to visit your local garden centre on Garden Re-Leaf Day to find out what they are doing to add some excitement to the start of the garden year and raise funds for Greenfingers Charity.

You can find out lots of details of your local events from the special web site

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