Bats in the night

Bats in the night

The Bat Conservation Trust is looking for volunteers willing to get up early or go out late…

The Bat Conservation Trust is looking for volunteers willing to get up early or go out late; its Sunrise/Sunset Survey needs people to monitor their local bat populations. The Trust has a number of ongoing surveys, but this one is ideal for people without previous bat-surveying experience. All you need to do is head outside an hour before dawn, or just after sunset, and spend an hour in your garden or walking around your local area, looking and listening for bats. You can carry out the survey any time before the end of August.

The UK is home to 18 species of bats, and the survey findings will help the Trust to gauge the health of bat populations. Go to to sign up to the survey. The website also offers advice on making your garden more bat-friendly at 

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