August issue on sale now!

The longest day has passed… and maybe, with all that’s going on in the world, you hadn’t even realised.

But there are lots of summer sensations to come now that the season has officially arrived, so what better time of year to make the most of your patio, garden or allotment and enjoy some simply stunning sunny weather. Why not sit down with a cuppa outdoors and enjoy your new KG?

KG editor Steve Ott (pictured below) says: “August in the kitchen garden is all about sowing to keep those harvests coming well into the autumn and beyond. So in this issue we have lots of great features explaining how you can keep your patch as packed and productive as it was in the spring.

“Allotment expert Rob Smith recommends his favourite winter radishes to add a punch to your cold season salads, while KG regular Ben Vanheems explains how to put together a herb bed to be proud of and that will supply your needs all year round.

“On page 46 I suggest some crops you might like to try, some familiar, some perhaps not quite so well known, but all great for sowing now for speedy harvests in late summer/autumn. This is a great time to sow winter lettuces and I experimented with these last year; you can find my top tips for growing success starting on page 63. Our jobs pages too offer lots of great reminders for summer plot-fillers and top tips for getting the most from crops you may already have in your veg patch.

“Of course, we mustn’t forget that it is also prime time for enjoying our spring-sown harvests and you’ll find some simple ideas for your socially distanced summer barbecues on page 70, plus lots more inspiring ways to use your seasonal produce from KG’s resident cook Anna Cairns Pettigrew.”

Make your own herb marinade for your barbecue

The August issue of Kitchen Garden is packed with news, ideas for what to grow, helpful hints and tips, and lots of excellent colourful images to offer you inspiration. And at KG we won’t just throw pictures of plants at you… we’ve got a great team of experts who’ll guide you through the various stages of growing, from sowing seed to harvesting your produce.

In the latest issue you’ll also find great giveaways and reader offers, and if you are a subscriber you’ll get free access to the Mudketeers’ Club, a website specifically for subscribers to Kitchen Garden. And that’s not the only benefit of subscribing – many people have found that, during lockdown, it’s been the perfect way to receive their copy, as it’s delivered direct to your door. And with garden centres having been closed for a number of weeks during the prime planting season, the free seeds with each copy have come in very handy.

So why not join the KG community – and get growing, harvest your own delicious crops, help the planet by cutting down on air miles, create a haven for pollinators such as bees and butterflies while enhancing your own well-being and that of your family? It’s a great way to spend time, and – in more ways than one – it doesn’t cost the earth!

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