Tony Flanagan
‘For Peat’s Sake’
‘For Peat’s Sake’ campaigner Garden Organic is asking gardeners to complete a simple survey about their attitudes and habits regarding the use of peat in compost. The results of the survey will help them better understand how and why gardeners…
Crisis is the national charity for homeless people. In support of their work a new campaign, Grow for Crisis, has been launched to encourage people to get into gardening and start their own fundraising campaigns. The campaign will officially start…
This month the KG Team have been trying out a range of gardening gloves suitable for light tasks around the garden (not suitable for pruning) BEST BUYWEED MASTER BAMBOO GLOVES With the environment in mind, these gloves are made from…
If you want to grow your fruit and veg in pots that are functional as well as pleasing on the eye, here are our Best Buy and Top Pics for the April issue BEST BUYENAMEL POTS These indoor enamel plant…
How to grow A-Z of ‘no dig’ veg – new from Charles Dowding
Want to know the optimum time to sow runner beans, transplant cabbage and harvest your courgettes? Or when to water celery, how to banish carrot fly and why not digging your garden is more productive? Learning how to sow, grow,…
Birdy it’s cold outside
The RSPB is urging people to feed the garden birds that have helped raise the public’s spirits over lockdown to help the birds pull through the cold weather snap. With many parts of the country braced for more snow and…
New series takes viewers to some of Scotland’s most important gardens
Whether planting potatoes or cultivating herbaceous borders, the Scots have long been known as a nation of gardeners. Murdo Macdonald (63), from Edinburgh, makes his debut as a presenter of a new series called Gàrraidhean Mòra na h-Alba/ Gardens of…
It’s great, you’ve got your greenhouse now what? Here are some extras to consider that you may find useful BEST BUY ELECTRONIC TEMP AND HUMIDITY WEATHER STATION With this Electronic Weather Station you can record the highest and lowest temperatures…
Begin a green career at an RHS Garden
With 2020 seeing a gardening boom and many forced to consider their career options, the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) is giving 40 green-fingered applicants the chance to train at one of the charity’s five gardens from 2021. Up 8% on…
If your best friend is your shed, than how about giving it some TLC with these accessories – our Best Buy and Top Picks? BEST BUY TOOL RACK This grey powder coated steel tool rack is 75cm (29½in) long and…
Go forth and propagate! Here’s our best buy and top picks to get your sowing off to a great start! BEST BUYGEOPOD HEATED PROPAGATOR WITH LIGHTS This heated propagator has a tall lid to accommodate young plants as well as…
This month the KG team have been trying out a number of greenhouse heaters. Here are their Best Buy and Top Picks BEST BUYGREENHOUSE FAN HEATER This 3kW Greenhouse Heater has three settings and is thermostatically controlled. The lowest setting…