Be a Mindful Eater

Be a Mindful Eater

Want to lose weight or eat more healthy? Eating mindfully is a key first step

Do you ever reach for the second half of your lunchtime sandwich only to realise you’ve already eaten it? Or guzzle a family-size bag of crisps while you’re watching TV without even noticing what you’ve done?

Thanks to busy lifestyles and an over-abundance of convenience food, for many of us, eating is an increasingly mindless activity. The result? Not only do we miss out on the sensual pleasure of eating but we’re more likely to overeat, make poor food choices and struggle to maintain a healthy weight.

Mindful eating – paying attention to the experience of eating – is not only a useful way to practise and develop mindfulness, it can also increase your enjoyment of food and turn around your health. Connecting to all your senses while you eat puts you in touch with your body’s hunger signals, meaning you’re more likely to stop eating when you’re full, avoid mindless snacking or emotional eating and choose healthier foods.

In a study at North Carolina State University in the US, a group of people who followed a mindful eating programme for 15 weeks lost an average of 1.9kg. After six months, 75% had not regained weight and some had lost more.

Try these mindful eating tips today and really start to enjoy your meals.

This is a preview from a brand new bookazine, helping you to discover mindfulness and live life more fully in the moment.

The Mindfulness Workbook: How to find calm in a crazy world.

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If you’re not exactly sure what being mindful involves, this is the place to start. Here you’ll learn the history and main concepts of mindfulness, and get an idea of how your life might look after you learn to live more fully in the moment. Discover the ways mindfulness is used by its many advocates – from celebrities to professors – and learn how it can benefit you too.

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