Bitter Lemon No-Bake Cheesecake

Bitter Lemon No-Bake Cheesecake

Why not try to quick and easy no-bake cheesecake – a firm favourite in the KG office!

Ingredients (Recipe serves 8)


  • 500g Digestive biscuits
  • 250g Butter


  • 2 Lemons
  • 250g Mascarpone
  • 250g Philadelphia Cream Cheese
  • 250g Greek Yoghurt
  • 100g Icing Sugar


  • Pan
  • Large cake tin
  • Wooden spoon
  • Mixing bowl
  • Hand whisk
  • Zester/grater
  • Citrus press/juicer
  • Jug
  • Spatula


Turn all digestive biscuits into crumbs using a large pestle and mortar, food processor or in a carrier bag using a rolling pin.

Heat the butter over a low heat in a large pan, even a wok can be handy for when it comes to mixing.

Once the butter is melted turn the heat off and mix in the biscuit crumbs thoroughly.

Place the mix into a medium or large pie dish or cake tin.

Evenly spread the mix pressing down lightly, be careful not to press to hard or the base will be too solid when set.

Set this to one side to cool.

Place the Mascarpone, Philadelphia, and Greek Yoghurt into a mixing bowl and mix with a whisk until well combined.

Zest the lemons and place this into the mix.

Juice one lemon.

Place the icing sugar into the jug and slowly add the lemon juice ensuring the mix does not go too runny.

Add the icing into the mix and combine well.

Once the mix is combined add to the top of the base in the dish/tin and smooth the top using a spatula.

Place in the fridge for a few hours to set.


Why not top with fruit? Banana and kiwi make a great addition!

Use extra zest from more lemons for an even more bitter taste.

Note: Different brands of Mascarpone, Cream Cheese, and Greek Yoghurt have different thicknesses which can affect the setting, adjust lemon juice as required.

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