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Effectively maintaining your lawn mower
You will have been cutting your lawn regularly for some months now, the regular downpours having kept it growing apace. How did your mower fare? If you are a seasoned gardener, you’ll know the importance of effective maintenance. It may…
Kitchen Garden Best Buy and Top Picks
Here are our favourite gardening products for September, chosen for their quality, effectiveness and value for money BEST BUY DOUBLE HOE WITH FIXED HANDLE This Double Hoe features a broad, sharp angled blade on one side to be used for…
Do these Slug Control Methods Actually Work?
With an incredibly wet start to summer this year, there couldn’t be a more pressing time for gardeners to think about slug control. Just as the season is heading towards its peak and your garden is filled with fresh and…
Kitchen Garden Best Buy and Top Picks
Here are our favourite gardening products for August, chosen for their quality, effectiveness and value for money BEST BUY HAND PRESSURE SPRAYER This Gardena hand pressure sprayer has a 1¼ litre capacity. Pressure is built up using the simple pump…
Cornish Cabbage Plants
Andrew Arnold is the third generation of his family to grow bare-rooted brassica plants in the fields of Cornwall. In a county probably more famous for ice cream than vegetables, this method of producing a staple British dinner table favourite…
Kitchen Garden Best Buy and Top Picks
Here are our favourite gardening products for July, chosen for their quality, effectiveness and value for money BEST BUY SALAD PLANTER This salad planter will accommodate 37 litres of compost for growing a wide range of vegetable crops. Feeder mats…
Share your patch with wildlife and you’ll both reap the benefits
We are all aware of the increasing need to incorporate areas for wildlife in our gardens and green spaces for the greater good and this needn’t be a choice between having a wild, nettle laden area or maintained lawns and…
Poultry palaces: exactly what makes ideal housing for hens and ducks?
Exactly what makes ideal housing for hens and ducks? Choosing the wrong poultry house can prove to be a costly mistake, not to mention perilous for your flocks’ health, whereas getting it right can provide your birds with a lifelong…
Join the Raised Bed Revolution
Raised beds are the answer to many gardeners’ problems making gardening easier, accessible, more productive and available to all. Gardening Works Wooden Raised Beds are available in different sizes and heights making them user friendly for children, the elderly and…
Kitchen Garden Best Buy and Top Picks
Here are our favourite gardening products for June, chosen for their quality, effectiveness and value for money BEST BUY SLUG X – SLUG TRAP Made from recycled polypropylene, this Slug X trap attracts slug and snails with beer as bait.…
Dip & Grow: The best lettuce you’ve ever tasted!
Let us introduce you: Dip & Grow! Fun, easy, sustainable gardening for everyone. That’s our mission! And when we say everyone, we mean everyone! We developed our products to meet this standard, as easy as dip it and grow it.…
Kitchen Garden Best Buy and Top Picks
Here are our favourite gardening products for May, chosen for their quality, effectiveness and value for money BEST BUY JUTE TWINE Each spool provides 60m (197ft) of 3-ply twine about 3mm thick. The spools are available in 17 different colours.…