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KG Best Buy November 2017 – Composting
Each month our expert editorial team pick the best products for you BUDGET COMPOSTER With a 439 litre capacity this is a self-assembly, timber composter that has been pressure treated to protect against rot. The space between slats allows air…
KG Best Buy October 2017 – Harvesting
Each month our expert editorial team pick the best products for you FRUIT PICKER AND HANDLE This fruit picker has an integrated stainless steel blade, 13cm (5in) diameter basket and an interchangeable washable cotton bag. When partnered with the Vario…
KG Best Buy September 2017 – Secateurs
Each month our expert editorial team pick the best products for you September 2017 – Secateurs BEST BUY – POWERGEAR-X-PRUNER-L-ANVIL Suitable for heavy cutting of hard branches up to 26mm (1in) in diameter, this lightweight set has extra-hard, corrosion-resistant steel…
KG Best Buy August 2017 – Knives
Each month our expert editorial team pick the best products for you AUGUST 2017 BEST BUY – ETTRICK POCKET KNIFE This all-purpose knife has a wooden handle with nickel silver bolster and brass linings. It has a small (60mm), C70…
Getting the best from your vegetables
Feed, water, harvest bumper crops. Growing vegetables in your garden is so rewarding, but only if you give them what they need while they are growing. Even if your soil is fertile, growing and harvesting vegetables takes nutrients from the…
Grow Your Own with a Raised Bed Planter
Practically any vegetable and soft fruit can be grown in a raised bed. The popularity of raised beds and deep root planters has surged in recent years. It’s little wonder why, as they boast a series of advantages over growing…
Tips for Choosing a Garden Shed £6m Gateway
A shed might be a simple structure but choosing one that exactly fits your requirements can be more complicated than you might think Before buying, it’s essential that you spend time thinking carefully about what use you are going to…
How to Care for an Olive Tree
Add a touch of Mediterranean glamour to your home – with an olive tree. While the weather in the UK may leave little to be desired at the best of times, there is one way to add a touch of…
3 non-harmful ways to deter pests from your garden
Here are a handful of non-harmful, eco-friendly and sustainable ways of deterring pests Are you a keen gardener keeping a watchful eye on the wildlife that’s visiting your garden? Well, if so, you may be wondering how best to deter…
Do yourself a good turn – tumbling composter
With this tumbling composter all the hard work of creating your own compost disappears. The rods and fins do all the work mixing and turning, breaking down large clusters which will activate and speed up the process giving you beautiful…
Selecting The Best Value Greenhouse for All-year-round Growing
A good quality greenhouse enables gardeners to ensure the productive growth of their crops, regardless ofthe weather, season or location. What is the value of a Domestic Greenhouse? A good quality greenhouse enables gardeners to ensure the productive growth of…
Windy Weather Tips For Your Greenhouse
A Wind Resistant Greenhouse During Winter Weather Come & see us at Malvern Show, 24th & 25th September Although hurricanes and uncontrollable storms are unlikely in the UK, we do seem to have received our fare share of windy weather…