Tips and Advice
Unusual veg you can grow in your allotment
While growing the tried-and-tested fruit and vegetables on your allotment can be a rewarding experience, many gardeners want to branch out.. While growing the tried-and-tested fruit and vegetables on your allotment can be a rewarding experience, many gardeners want to…
Top Tip: use coffee grounds to enrich your soil
If you drink filtered coffee, don’t throw your coffee grounds away. They are excellent for the garden. Coffee grounds are a great source of nitrogen, just what your leaves love, though it’s not a quick nitrogen fix. The nitrogen in…
Planning your allotment year
December and January is a good time to plan your vegetable growing or allotmenteering for the season ahead… There is plenty to think about including crop rotation, which crops you would like to grow, preparation of the soil, and ordering…
The top 5 tastiest flowers (Yes! You can eat them!)
Flowers were first recorded as being used in food in 140 BC, many different cultures since incorporated them into everyday foods. 1. Calendula Calendula flower petals make a tasty addition to summer salads and stir-fries. Sow: March-May thinly direct into…
Succeed with Strawberries
Many of you will have sown the bulk of your favourite crops by early June and I bet you’ll have wished for that little bit more space. Not one to waste a spare inch of growing space, veteran veg-grower #JoeMaiden…
Quick growing tips
Joyce Russell shares some of her top growing tips for May… It’s worth making a second sowing of anything that failed from an earlier one. On the other hand, it will save valuable growing time if you can find young…
Chives: Star of the Herb Garden
We created a small herb garden last year. The first year it looked a bit sad but this year, with spring rain and warmth, it’s looking lush! But the star of the patch has got to be these chives. The…
Top tips for better beetroot!
Want better beetroot in 2016? Read on for our top tips… Sow small numbers regularly to avoid gluts. Roots take roughly 90 days to mature from sowing. Choose a sunny, sheltered site for your crop. In a crop rotation, beetroot…
Veg plot in a bag
There is one product that has opened up the world of cultivating veg like no other and that’s the growing bag. One of the best inventions ever for gardeners has to be the growing bag and whatever size of plot…
Jobs for the month: March 2015
Sue Stickland brings you the essential tasks for the month in the polytunnel and greenhouse and offers her top tips for early sowings and harvests. Poor germination? If seedlings emerge in patches – or not at all – the temptation…
Strawberries – Sweet Success
With spring around the corner there’s no better time to make plans for a haul of sweet and succulent #strawberries. #BenedictVanheems recommends his favourite varieties and creates a strawberry bed It’s almost the start of another promising growing season. If…