Tasty and vibrant falafel with added courgette for those extra vitamins! Great served hot or cold with pitta and salad.


Preparation time: 35 minutes | Cooking time: 20 minutes

• 1 small/medium courgette (roughly 150g/5oz)

• 2 x 400g tins chickpeas, drained and rinsed

• 3 tbsp plain flour

• 2 garlic cloves, crushed

• ½ tsp cumin

• 1 lemon, zested

• 3 tbsp sunflower oil for frying

• Salt and pepper

1. Trim the courgette, then grate. Wrap the courgette in a clean tea towel and squeeze out any excess moisture. Set aside.

2. Put the chickpeas, flour, garlic, cumin, the lemon zest and a little seasoning in a food processor. Whiz until medium coarse. Add the courgette and pulse briefly to combine. Don’t overmix.

3. Divide the mixture into 12-14 equal falafels.

4. Heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan over a medium heat and cook the falafels in two batches for around 2-3 minutes each side, until golden and crisp.

5. Serve with salad and pitta bread.

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