‘For Peat’s Sake’

‘For Peat’s Sake’ campaigner Garden Organic is asking gardeners to complete a simple survey about their attitudes and habits regarding the use of peat in compost.

The results of the survey will help them better understand how and why gardeners chose the products they do, and how they can encourage them to choose more environmentally friendly options.

Today, 95 per cent of the UK’s peat bogs, a hugely important defence against climate change, have been degraded or completely destroyed.

Peat bogs are the most efficient land-based store of carbon. When they are destroyed for horticultural use, disastrous amounts of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere and it can take 1,000 years for them to start functioning again.

The vast majority of bagged composts available to buy in garden centres and other retailers contain peat. As are the plants that we buy. Suppliers say there is still huge demand for peat-based compost from gardeners, which is one of the reasons why they haven’t taken more action to move away from it. This needs to change.

Dr Anton Rosenfeld from Garden Organic said: “Reducing the use of peat in compost is absolutely vital for protecting our planet. But peat-based bagged compost is still being widely sold and huge numbers of plants which have been grown in peat are also being purchased.

“For individuals, there are several alternative options that can be used in gardens and allotments, such as homemade or peat-free compost. If we all make this simple switch, it will have a huge impact in the fight against climate change.”

Gardeners are being asked to give a few minutes of their time by undertaking a survey to help Garden Organic understand what growers know about peat, and how they use it in their own garden. This will better enable the charity to understand the challenges growers face and how they can help them switch to peat free.

Please follow the link below and fill in the survey now.
Survey Link – www.forpeatssake.org.uk/peat-survey

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