Making an insect hotel

Go greener for 2021

After a testing year which has only been made bearable for many of us by turning to nature, isn’t the new year a brilliant time to repay this debt and make some green resolutions, asks the RSPB?

Most new year pledges focus on altering our lives in a way which just doesn’t work for us and it’s easy to give up something which only affects ourselves.  But knowing that making greener changes, however big or small, will make a difference to the whole planet can be a great incentive to keep going.

Help insects by sowing a butterfly garden

Here’s a few ideas of things you can do which will support our natural world this year.

  • Dig a pond – even a tiny pool adds loads of value for wildlife
  • Volunteer for your local conservation charity – just a few hours a month makes a difference and you could learn new skills too
  • Buy a reusable water bottle or coffee cup – many places will now top up water for free and offer discounts on hot drinks in reusable cups.
  • Make some bathroom swaps – get your shampoo and soap in bars instead of bottles and look for bamboo toothbrushes instead of plastic.
  • Start a compost bin for all your peelings and veg scraps
  • Reuse shopping bags and avoid buying single-use ones
  • Plant a tree or a hedge – they’ll provide food and nesting sites for birds
  • Choose produce which isn’t wrapped in plastic
  • Buy fruit and veg which is local and seasonal
  • Make a bug hotel or put up a birdbox
  • Support a green campaign like RSPB’s Revive Our World – from signing a petition to helping to fund-raise, your help makes a big difference.
  • Make a hole in your fence to let hedgehogs visit your garden
  • Learn the names of wildlife you see – from wildflowers to beetles and birds. Being able to name things encourages us to be more protective of them.
  • If you haven’t got a garden, put pots of bee-friendly plants on balconies or window ledges
  • Visit a nature reserve and make a donation – being in nature is great for your own wellbeing and will support the charity

And remember to share …

Let other people know what goals you’ve set yourself– tell friends or share on social media. It will help keep you on track and might encourage others to join you too.

“The planet needs our help more than ever right now – we’re in a nature and climate crisis which requires all of us pulling together to turn things around,” said Nic Scothern, the RSPB’s deputy director for engagement.

“Choosing to do things differently – even just altering a few small habits – will make a huge impact if we do it together. Let’s make 2021 a year of positive change!”

For more ideas of things to do, visit

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