Kitchen Garden magazine, the UK’s best-selling monthly magazine for growing your own fruit and veg, has been named Magazine of the Year in the Specialist Interest category by a prestigious national awards organisation.

The Newspaper and Magazine Awards (NMA) held a virtual awards ceremony, due to current Covid restrictions, where Kitchen Garden successfully fended off stiff competition from a number of national magazine titles including other garden sector publications to take the top spot.

The NMA judging panel said of Kitchen Garden: “This title really pushed the boundaries to find new opportunities and adapted quickly to a changing world whilst achieving impressive increases in newsstand and subs sales.” They went on to say: “Kitchen Garden drove audience engagement through a new YouTube channel, growing their community on social media and introducing podcasts.”   

Kitchen Garden magazine editor Steve Ott was absolutely delighted with the win, saying: “It has been a very challenging year for the whole population of course and many, finding themselves confined to home, turned to their gardens for relaxation and to reconnect with nature.

Gardening and growing food in particular saw a huge upturn as a result and the editorial team were determined to be there to provide this new audience, many of whom had not attempted to grow anything before, with all the advice and reassurance they needed to succeed in their new-found hobby.”

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