Kitchen Garden May 2017

A note from Steve…

May means warmer soils for most of us and the prospect of filling the plot with young plants – either home-grown or bought in. In this issue I’ll be offering my top tips for success with your early plantings and in a separate feature suggesting some second sowings that can be made now and keep your harvests coming into the autumn and beyond.

Writer and broadcaster Martin Fish has a weekend project guaranteed to keep your carrots free from carrot fly, while Joyce Russell has a great idea for making a budget garden that’s perfect for those with limited space.

We all like to grow something new and community gardening enthusiast Wendy Pillar encourages us all to try oca, a colour potato-like tuber with a lemony twist (and zero blight), while Sally Cunningham, another fan of exotic veg, suggests we all make some space for the highly attractive and nutritious lablab or hyacinth bean.

But if your tastes favour the traditional, you’ll also find some great advice on cauliflowers, summer cabbages and heritage beetroot.

Catch a glimpse of the May issue in our free preview!

Helpful hints and tips from YouTube!

We’ve got oodles of videos for you to check out on our designated YouTube channel right now, but here are a couple of our favourites from this month.

Competitions and Giveaways!

As usual, we’ve crammed in loads of super competitions and giveaways for you this month.

Enter the giveaways now worth over £2506 – CLICK HERE to enter.

Win up to £1000 to spend with Grange – CLICK HERE to enter.

Plus, our online-exclusive Emma Bridgewater competition closes on April 9, so if you haven’t entered yet, now’s your chance – CLICK HERE to enter.

Elsewhere on the Internet…Check out some of our inspiring boards on Pinterest!

Don’t forget to check out and follow us on our new Instagram page, too!

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