May 2019 Kitchen Garden out now

May 2019 Kitchen Garden out now

One thing we love at Kitchen Garden magazine is a corny headline – so here’s one to run up the flagpole!

Salute the kernel… yes, you can grow your very own sweetcorn in your garden or on your allotment! We can’t guarantee a summer like the belter of 2018, but, as KG editor Steve Ott (pictured below) explains, we can give you a flying start… 

May marks a watershed in the garden for many of us – we can actually think about sowing all those tender veggies ready for planting out next month. So in this issue you’ll find advice on growing squashes and sweetcorn (we’ve even provided the seeds!), sweet potatoes as well as making a mini greenhouse for your tomatoes that should guarantee you some early crops. We also have some great advice from Ben Vanheems on feeding your pots and containers the natural way, while award-winning fruit expert David Patch explains how to get started with Asian or nashi pears.

Veteran plotter Graham Strong continues his series on starting a new plot from scratch and our top team of Joyce Russell and Martin Fish bring you all the essential jobs for the month in the fruit and veg garden, whether you garden indoors or out. And speaking of gardening indoors – I offer some ideas on producing your own edibles on nothing more than a windowsill!

There’s plenty more in this latest issue as we prepare to enjoy British Summer Time and cast off the rigours of winter. Garden writer and organic grower, Stephanie Hafferty, looks at what you can conjure up with edible flowers. You’ll be surprised at what a difference some colourful petals can make to even the simplest of dishes. And doesn’t this cake look magnificent, decorated with delicate flower heads?

People feature very strongly in Kitchen Garden. We love to hear your success stories, read your amusing anecdotes and, of course, see what you’ve been doing on your plot. You can send us a letter, and win a prize if yours is printed. Or have you something to get off your chest that would sit nicely in our Last Word column?

Deputy editor Emma Rawlings has some suggestions for this season. You could sow your veg in regimental straight lines, she says, or you could unleash your creative spirit, ditch the ruler, add some colour and mix it all up. Check out her hints and tips in this special feature. Here’s a great way to add style to your veg growing.

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