Here at North Polytunnels we believe that every community should have the opportunity to grow their own fruit and veg
Which is why we jumped at the chance to work with the Lally Centre when we heard about the wonderful work it was doing for its community in Collyhurst, Manchester.
The Easy-Build Polytunnel
We wanted to provide the centre’s new allotment plot with a top-of-the range polytunnel, hoping that the extended growing season a polytunnel can provide would ensure the community food bank was kept well stocked with fresh vegetables all year round. Working alongside Groundwork UK, we set about installing the newest member of our polytunnel range. The Easy-Build Polytunnel is by far the quickest, easiest and most durable polytunnel on the market. With innovative Wiggle Wire polythene fixing system and Screw Anchor foundation feature which removes the need for digging or concreting, making it perfect for a sustainable community garden.

Sister Rita
Straight-talking Nun, Sister Rita, star of a BBC show highlighting her work, runs the Lally Centre. She has been described as tough, uncompromising, and determined to get the best results for whoever comes through her door. Our experience of ‘Attila the Nun’ was somewhat different.
Sister Rita ambled on site to see how progress was going. Contrary to what we expected given Sister Rita’s reputation, she is a softly spoken woman, more concerned about sharing a few words with each member of the crew and whether we had our sandwiches and a hot drink. She talked passionately about her community and what the garden would do to raise the spirits of the people that visited the Lally Centre. In one of Manchester’s poorest communities, not everyone has the opportunity to grow their own food. She believes that her garden will develop a love of working in a community with a high level of unemployment and all food grown will go directly to the people who need it most.
We’re looking forward to seeing what exciting things they will be growing and the impact the garden will have on the local community.
For more information on our innovative Easy-Build Polytunnel please visit our website