Nothing like a bit of beetroot!

Nothing like a bit of beetroot!

Beetroot is a bit of a favourite with many of us and so easy to grow too! If you don’t have a lot of space, they do well in pots. Containers should be about 22cm(9in) deep and 22cm(9in) wide. Fill with multipurpose compost and sow seeds thinly 2.5cm(1in) deep, April through to July. Water in and then water regularly, especially as potted plants have a tendency to dry out much more quickly than those planted in the ground. Use fresh compost for successional sowing.

Don’t worry if you sow too many. Just thin them out and use the thinnings as baby leaf in your salads or stir fries. This will give room for the remain plants to fill out.

The ones in the picture are ‘Cylindra‘, a long variety that came free with KG! There are lots of other interesting varieties of beetroot such as ‘Chioggia‘ and ‘Burpees Golden‘ worth trying too!

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