Blackcurrant pancakes

Blackcurrant pancakes

A home-grown take on the American blueberry pancake concept, combining a Scotch pancake recipe with a likelier alternative for garden fruit.

If you’ve already frozen your crop, you can use berries straight from the freezer.


(makes about 14 pancakes)

150g (5½oz) self-raising flour

½ tsp baking powder

50g (1¾oz) caster sugar

1 egg

150ml (5½floz) milk

100g (3½oz) blackcurrants (fresh or frozen)

Vegetable oil

Icing sugar

1. Put the flour, baking powder, sugar, egg and milk into a jug and mix them together, then stir in the blackcurrants.

2. Heat 2 tsp oil in a frying pan over a medium-high heat. Place tablespoonfuls of the batter into the pan – you’re aiming for pancakes about 7cm (2¾in) in diameter. Don’t let the heat get too high, or the outsides will burn before the insides have had time to cook.

3. Once bubbles appear on the surface of the pancakes, flip them over to cook the other side. Once they are golden-brown on both sides and have cooked through (give the centres a prod to check for uncooked batter), transfer them to a plate. You may need to add another teaspoonful of oil to the pan before cooking the next batch.

4. Dust the pancakes with icing sugar and serve them warm. 

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