Podcast 28: A look at the December issue

The Kitchen Garden Magazine Podcast – packed full of hints, tips and advice from the team.

It’s hard to believe that we are about to say goodbye to another gardening season. I hope yours has been as trouble free, enjoyable and productive as ours on the KG plot. But while it is sad to see the garden preparing for its winter hibernation, the prospect of a new gardening year ahead is so exciting.

With this in mind we have some great features in this issue for you, including one for those of you thinking about giving over some space to a brand new vegetable garden.

We can also announce the results of our two big competitions for 2017, the Passionate Plotter and Massive Marrow competitions.

Both received a great response from you this year and I hope you enjoy reading about our prize-winning plots and seeing the skill of fellow readers who did battle with their superb squashes! We hope you will be inspired to enter our competitions next year, details of which will be announced early in 2018.

Merry Christmas to all our listeners and readers.

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