Spring vegetable recipes

As the end of Spring is nearing, you may have surplus homegrown vegetables and greens to use up. So we thought we’d put together a handy guide to delicious recipes, so you can make the most of what’s in season right now and use up the vegetables you may have in abundance.

A very versatile ingredient, spinach, has a lot of potential. Whether you usually add it to your salads, or wilt it in curries or pasta dishes, here we’ve got three delicious recipes for you to try out. Firstly, you could start your day off with these tasty Breakfast Eggs with Spinach; secondly an Indian-style Spinach with New Potatoes, and thirdly, a great dish for a summer BBQ – Spinach with Couscous, Pine nuts and Sultanas.

Spinach with Cous Cous, Pine Nuts & Sultanas

If you’ve grown asparagus, you may feel you’ve exhausted a lot of recipes, but if you’re a fan of eggs too, here’s a couple of recipes that offer something a little different – Tender Asparagus Scrambled Eggs and an Asparagus and Wild Garlic Frittata.

And if you’ve grown your own tomatoes and want to put them to good use, here’s two recipes that offer something a little different to a garden salad. Our New Potato and Cherry Tomato Bake is definitely worth a try – and a good way to preserve your tomatoes would be in this – best ever Tomato Chutney!

New Potato & Cherry Tomato Bake

We have plenty of recipes available on our website – and they’re searchable by ingredient, in the search bar.

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