
  • Kitchen Garden: Great products, great prices!

    Kitchen Garden: Great products, great prices!

    Kitchen Garden is here with some fantastic products… Whatever the occasion, there’s never a bad time to treat yourself. Perhaps there’s a last-minute birthday present you need to get or even a stocking filler for a family member. Luckily, Kitchen…

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  • Brexit means… growing your own!

    Brexit means… growing your own!

    Suttons have come up with a deal that’s hard to vote down… a selection of ‘Brexit boxes’ to tempt the taste buds this summer Government reports have warned that fruit and veg are likely to be one of the most…

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  • Podcast 46: The future of seeds (Post-Brexit)

    Podcast 46: The future of seeds (Post-Brexit)

    The Kitchen Garden Magazine Podcast – packed full of hints, tips and advice from the team. We try to reduce ‘vegetable miles’ by growing our own and buying locally, but often forget that their journey actually starts with the seeds.…

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  • Catch that buzz!

    Catch that buzz!

    Welcome to the September Subs Club, just for Kitchen Garden subscribers. Part one focuses on bugs, birds, brew days, boots… and Brexit! Urban Buzz Leicester reaches halfway mark In celebration of Urban Buzz Leicester, the local authority’s parks department has…

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  • New study shows EU pesticide ban is failing to protect suburban bees

    New study shows EU pesticide ban is failing to protect suburban bees

    Bees living in suburban habitats are still being exposed to significant levels of neonicotinoid pesticides despite the EU ban say scientists Bees living in suburban habitats are still being exposed to significant levels of pesticides despite the EU ban on…

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  • Rare finch causes hearts to flutter

    Rare finch causes hearts to flutter

    The hawfinch has landed! Find out more about this shy bird, and extra news just for subscribers, in our latest Subs Club for November Year of the hawfinch Above: A rare hawfinch. Picture: Andy Hay ( Last year saw a…

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  • Soup-er way to share produce

    Soup-er way to share produce

    Find out more in the latest KG Subs Club news – for subscribers only Schools serve up their garden skills Pupils at Columbia Primary School taking part in the Big Soup Share. Pictures: RHS/Luke MacGregor More than 1000 schools and…

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  • 7.9m members back a greener UK

    7.9m members back a greener UK

    The coalition, which includes the National Trust, RSPB, WWF and The Wildlife Trusts, has a combined membership of 7.9 million. Greener UK, a coalition of 13 major environmental organisations, has launched a manifesto calling on the government to restore and…

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  • Brexit worries for wildlife

    Brexit worries for wildlife

    As the dust settles after the EU referendum, the response from a whole host of conservation organisations has been that since much of our environmental protection legislation derives from the European Parliament, the onus is now on the UK government…

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