Kitchen Garden
March 2023 Edition
In the March issue, you’ll find: KG’s Tony Flanagan has the products to keep your veg on the straight and narrow; Nurseryman David Patch takes you through the year with cherries; and more great recipes using your seasonal produce from KG…
How to avoid a plant-astrophe!
A plague on all our plants? Hopefully not, says David Patch, who this month offers some sound advice on how to keep our precious fruit crops free of pests and diseases.
Benefits of community gardening
There are many benefits to community gardening and creating your own vegetable garden, whether it’s greening a local area, starting a food growing project or conserving an area for wildlife, it can be beneficial to both people and places.
How to clean your greenhouse ready for spring
It’s never too early for a bit of spring cleaning, and in fact now is the perfect time to give your greenhouse a good clean before sowing begins in earnest in the coming weeks.
How to choose your perfect greenhouse
January is the perfect time to purchase a new greenhouse, with the new year bringing with it thoughts of the new growing season ahead. Choosing the right greenhouse, however, can be a bit of a minefield!
We’re hiring!
Kitchen Garden is the market leading magazine for growing your own fruit and Veg. We are looking for experienced media sales staff to join our dynamic team working across the brand.
January 2023 Edition
In the January issue, you’ll find: Emma Rawlings looks at some simple options for making your own sowing compost; staff writer Tony Flanagan unearths more super new varieties for you to try; and Emily Cupit reviews a range of organic…
Festive red cabbage recipes
Instagram is filled with lots of recipe inspiration. Now we’re in December, we’re finding some great ideas for Christmas recipes and thought we’d share a few with you!
Winter Edition
In the Winter issue, you’ll find: Sally Nex explains how to make leafmould and has advice on composting weeds; and Dr Anton Rosenfeld of Garden Organic explains how you can learn more by taking an experimental approach to veg growing.
Four delicious recipes using carrots
We’ve been thinking about the vegetables that are currently in season, those we have a lot of and how we could use them all up. So we thought we’d share a couple of ideas, we found online, for you to…
To be busy
Emma O’Neill, head gardener at horticultural charity Garden Organic, shares her top tips for what needs to be done in the garden as autumn turns to winter
How to tackle frost this winter
Here we’ve got some tips on how to protect your plants from cold and icy weather this winter.