Salad Guide

  • Grow your own: Beetroot

    Grow your own: Beetroot

    This is aroot vegetable that you either love or hate but it is unique in its colouring and flavour. It is a more popular vegetable in Eastern Europe and the States where it is used more in hot dishes.

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  • Grow your own: Broad beans

    Grow your own: Broad beans

    This is a great crop for sowing in spring but also autumn to get some delicious beans in June when there is not much else in the veg garden.

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  • Grow your own: Broccoli

    Grow your own: Broccoli

    Broccoli is a highly nutritious vegetable that is a must for the veg patch. You will really notice the difference in flavour of your own grown broccoli and, being so fresh, it will contain even more vitamins and health giving…

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  • Grow your own: Cabbage

    Grow your own: Cabbage

    This is another crop that has suffered the same prejudice as the Brussels sprout, again probably due to being served overcooked.

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  • Grow your own: Chicory

    Grow your own: Chicory

    Chicory is a popular Italian salad crop but they have never really taken off here. One reason could be their slightly bitter taste, but they should be more widely grown for the zing they can add to salads.

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  • Grow your own: Cucumbers

    Grow your own: Cucumbers

    The traditional long, smooth cucumbers need to be grown in awarm, almost hot, humid atmosphere so require greenhouse or polytunnel conditions.

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  • Grow your own: Kale

    Grow your own: Kale

    Kale or borecole is one of the best winter greens you can grow and just packed with health-giving nutrients.

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  • Grow your own: Lettuce

    Grow your own: Lettuce

    Lettuce has to be one of the most popular vegetables to grow. It is fast maturing, the ultimate salad ingredient and can be grown in a relatively small area.

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  • Grow your own: Onions & Shallots

    Grow your own: Onions & Shallots

    These crops both belong to the allium family, which also includes garlic, but whereas onions form one large bulb, shallots split to form several small bulbs and are generally milder and sweeter than onions.

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  • Grow your own: Peas

    Grow your own: Peas

    This has to be one of the favourite veg of all time; even children manage to eat a few peas when they may turn their nose up at other vegetables.

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  • Grow your own: Peppers

    Grow your own: Peppers

    There are two types of pepper, or capsicum, to give them their proper name. There are the chilli peppers and the sweet peppers, the latter being the milder relatives

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  • Grow your own: Radish

    Grow your own: Radish

    Radish is one of the easiest vegetables you can grow and one of the fastest to mature. It can be grown between slower crops such as leeks or brassicas making it useful for the small plot where space is limited.

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