
  • From the Forum… Does weedkiller really kill twitch?

    From the Forum… Does weedkiller really kill twitch?

    The Kitchen Garden Forum is a fun, thriving community of people like you. Each week we highlight a thread for further discussion. Forum member Barry asks:  I am very interested in your experiences regarding weedkiller.As part of the instructions for…

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  • What’s in a hoe?

    What’s in a hoe?

    In addition to Dutch hoes, there are plenty of other types on the market but which one is best for you? SpeedhoePersonally, I think it’s hard to beat a Dutch hoe for weeding, especially between rows. A lot depends on…

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  • Planning your allotment year

    Planning your allotment year

    December and January is a good time to plan your vegetable growing or allotmenteering for the season ahead… There is plenty to think about including crop rotation, which crops you would like to grow, preparation of the soil, and ordering…

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  • The top 5 tastiest flowers (Yes! You can eat them!)

    The top 5 tastiest flowers (Yes! You can eat them!)

    Flowers were first recorded as being used in food in 140 BC, many different cultures since incorporated them into everyday foods. 1. Calendula Calendula flower petals make a tasty addition to summer salads and stir-fries. Sow: March-May thinly direct into…

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