Green-fingered employees raise charity cash on the office windowsills

In 2016 you kindly provided a six month subscription to Kitchen Garden magazine as a prize for a charity event we were running. Two years later your magazine has inspired us to raise more money for charity by turning our office green and growing edible plants on the windowsills at work

Chilli and sweet pepper seeds were sown and when demand for plants outstripped the available seedlings, a colleague provided additional tomato plants. The idea really captured everyone’s imagination. With nearly 130 plants entered into the competition, the office window sills soon filled with plants and we raised over £200 for our local hospice.

At the end of August the plants were judged by the owner of a nearby garden centre assisted by a member of staff who is a keen allotmenteer. The winning growers received prizes of gardening related items and packets of seeds.

Jill Evans, Isle of Man

  • More from our readers in the December 18 issue of Kitchen Garden Magazine – in the shops now!

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